Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Bits and Pieces - The Sequel!


Total Fire Protection was here all day today and not one alarm! Someone must have gotten the message. Now here's hoping it carries over to next year. :o)

Time to Start Thinking about:

Spring Clean Up.

Last fall when I spoke to JoAnne Poirier about fall clean up we were a bit late out of the gate. So I thought I would mention it earlier for spring. In the fall, Ms. Poirier indicated that Housing would be happy to help so if you are a tenant reading this, maybe start thinking about if you are able to help. It should be a pretty fast job if we can scare up enough people to help. This year we do not have Marcel to run around picking up after us so it is even more important that we pick up the slack. It's our home!! For now, it is still at the think about it stage. Once I know for sure, I will put a notice on the board. I know! Some small pea brained person keeps clearing off the board. Hang in there. There are people setting up, what I am told is a sure fire way to catch them. Can't tell you more than that. I do not know more than that. I do know that the plan is to not say anything when the evidence is in hand- just to turn evidence over to Housing's CEO. So hang in there - I'll get the word out to you one way or another.

Dog Owners

There are quite a few of us here. It is imperative that you pick up after your dog! If they are worth having, they are worth cleaning up after. Take any plastic bag you want with you, turn it inside out over your hand like a glove and pick it up. Then toss it in a garbage bin. That is the classy thing to do. It is also the rules Housing gave us for owning a dog - that we clean up after them.

Elevators and Intercoms

Last week the elevator at Door #2 broke down. The elevator repair men had it working again for a few hours but it is down again.

The Intercoms are still out. I did write to Marion and asked her to make her best effort to get them fixed.

On a brighter note -

Have you noticed there is less willful damage being done around the building!

And it is quietier!

And the security fellows are about more often!

And don't forget-

Saturday breakfast - available until 11:30 a.m. and

Sunday Bingo staring at 1:00p.m.

both held in the Lounge at 2100 Russell Road.

Everybody is welcome!

I have a new quote for my email signature. What do you think?

Them That Can, Do!
Them That Can't, Bully!

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